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Nouvelle CR-Z Hybride

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Internationale | Publié le 14 mars 2010 | Auteur : Lidoneus

Cela commençait à faire un bon bout de temps que j’attendais que le constructeur Japonais Honda nous propose quelque chose d’intéressant à conduire…. En fait, je crois que cela fait depuis la S2000 que j’attends…. D’ailleurs, j’ai bien cru que Honda avait perdu cet esprit sport qui constituait la défunte Honda S2000… Mais me voilà définitivement rassuré, avec la Super Car HSV-010 qui tourne en Super GT Japonaise, et maintenant la sortie officielle de la CR-Z Sport Hybride…. L’âme sportive de Honda n’a pas encore disparu, loin de là !! Honda Motor Co., Ltd. announced today that the all-new CR-Z hybrid vehicle will go on sale in Japan on Friday, February 26, 2010.

CR-Z combines a 1.5-liter i-VTEC engine and Honda’s proprietary Integrated Motor Assist™ (IMA®) system, and creates fusion between futuristic and dynamic styling and exhilarating driving, along with outstanding fuel economy of 25 km/L. Based on Honda’s passion to broaden the potential for a hybrid vehicle and enable customers to experience a new kind of excitement with all of their senses, CR-Z was developed offering three core values – Emotional (emotional look and feel), Exciting (make people want to enjoy driving) and Smart (environmentally responsible, useful and liberating). To achieve these three values in all areas of this vehicle, including design, packaging and performance, Honda applied its most advanced technologies. CR-Z stands for « Compact Renaissance Zero, » which represents Honda’s commitment to go back to the point of origin (zero) to take on the challenge to create a new compact car without being bound by the values of traditional coupes.

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